Tag Archives: glass

Glass Durability and Protection

Glass on it’s own can be very strong and durable (depending on how and what it was made for). The use of the glass will determine how strong it needs to be and whether extra measures should be used in order to increase the overall strength and integrity of it. A company called ‘EnduroShield’ makes […]

Antibacterial Glass Market

In today’s day and age of health scares and uncertainty, doing whatever it takes to safeguard yourself and your surrounding environment is always a good idea. Constant and thorough hand washing with soap, coughing and sneezing into the fold of your arm and away from others is a great way to keep yourself and others […]

Upcycyling with Glass

Glass is a big part of our everyday lives; from mirrors, showers, windows, doors and everything in between it is everywhere. That doesn’t even include the glass products we use for storage of food and other items, but what happens when those particular items can no longer serve their purpose anymore? Most of the type […]

Glass Types and Their Applications

Glass has many different uses and applications. From the more typical windows and glass doors to more customized projects like glass flooring and the like, the sky seems to be the limit for when and where glass can be used. The important thing to know however is what type of glass to use to suit […]

Soundproof Glass

The idea of glass that is energy efficient, durable and coloured/textured is what usually comes to mind when having to decide on the right glass to suit your home and/or business needs. However, what about glass that is able to optimize the elimination of unwanted sounds? Most glass will provide somewhat of a soundproof experience, […]

The Strength of Glass

How is it that glass is somehow able to be strong enough to withstand incredible amounts of weight yet fragile enough to break with relative ease at times? It’s all dependent on how the glass is tempered and it’s overall structure in the first place. There are naturally occurring beings in the world that upon […]

The Benefits of Textured Glass

In business, to stand out from the crowd it’s important to be as unique and innovative as possible. It may seem like a challenging task for some depending on the industry they’re in, but if brands such as Dyson and Nest can seemingly re-invent staples such as vacuums and thermostats with incredible products and great […]