Tag Archives: cornwall glass experts

Glass Flooring

When you think of glass and glass products, windows, doors, and storefronts are the things that usually first come to mind. However the uses, capabilities and glass industry as a whole is much more than that! There are special custom glass projects that can be created based on certain criteria to meet the needs of […]

The History of Glass

At Cornwall Glass we’re proud to be able to create custom glass projects for our clients and fulfill all of their other glass needs, but have you ever wondered about the history of glass? How is it possible for something that seems so simple be as complex as it truly is. With different colours, textures […]

Glass Railings in the Home

Windows, certain doors and mirrors are parts of the home that are made from glass, but there’s been a shift. Those items are staples in any home and their effectiveness and glass composition won’t change any time soon, however there are other parts of the home not traditionally made from glass that are now going […]

The Benefits of an All Glass Shower

Over time, the modern bathroom has evolved from a place where you and your family spend time to get clean, to one of the most important rooms of the home, which if designed and functioned correctly can add a lot of value toward your home. One of the biggest elements in any given full bathroom […]